React.JS is a JavaScript open source library created by Facebook used for building user interfaces. Created by a software engineer by the name of Jordan Walke who was inspired by XHP. A component library for PHP that is a general scripting language for web development. First used in Facebook’s news feed back in 2011 and then on Instagram back in 2012. Today it is used by some of the worlds biggest tech companies world wide. Some of the reasons being its availability for mobile apps using React Native, clean code, huge community backed by Facebook, reusability due to components that help speed of development, having a Virtual Dom which increases performance on highly loaded applications, and many more.
With the ever growing field of tech you can only imagine the job growth and how rapidly fast it has grown even in just a few years. The expected job outlook for Software Engineering from 2019 to 2029 is 22% which exceeds the average job growth in all fields of 4%. Pretty impressive if you’re looking for a career switch with stability, potential and innovation. Oh and a median salary of $107,510 in May 2019 if you are curious. There are many companies that look implement React that you undoubtedly use on a weekly, if not daily basis.
These are some of the companies that use React
- Facebook -
Their webpage is built with React and their mobile app is built with React Native in replace of DOM components.
- Instagram -
A SPA (Single Page App) in which the user has a seamless experience with numerous features. As you can see if you have the app why even the biggest businesses use it to showcase their products.
- Netflix-
This highly popular app uses React due to start up speed, runtime performance, and modularity.
- WhatsApp-
The most used messaging app worldwide. Due to its performance and security.
- Tesla-
Well known for their innovative green technology this tech giant uses React Native for its mobile App. Which is designed for their vehicles and PowerWalls.
- AirBnb-
Switching over to React Native paid off with super easy integration. Making it easier to refactor code with the use of reusable components.
- Uber-
With Uber and Uber eats clearly taking the lead amongst other apps alike. React Native was the clear winner and for good reasons.
Most of these companies offer great benefits. Some have a charitable donation matching program, Life/ Health insurance, Unlimited Vacation, New parents receive up to one year of paid leave to take care of their newborns. Perks can include onsite amenities, paid travel as well as Incentive Stock Options!
The list continues with those being only some of the top tech companies that use React. Many startups and in between are implementing React . So if you’re looking for a change in career paths give programming a try. Nothing to lose and everything to gain!!